Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Booked it!

Boo Ya! It's a phrase I like to use when I book something and I am pleased as a peacock that I booked my first Target commercial/web-banner thing! This was for another non-union gig but you know what, I'm all about doing what it takes and if driving to Santa Monica two times in two days is what it takes, I'll do it. The audition was actually a pretty fulfilling experience. So many times I walk into a room, say one line and walk back out but this time I actually got to use my commercial training (pre-life, utters and mutters, etc... - - thank you commercial teacher Carolyne Barry!)

The callback was even better because the casting director and I had a nice conversation about different music venues around town and that lead into a conversation about the Fleet Foxes and it turns out that he is good friends with the lead singers dad and we were at the same concert a few months ago! I feel like these kinds of auditions/meetings are little gifts from God when He lines up all the right people, scenarios, etc... and a certain type of magic happens. I am thrilled to have booked it and feel great!

Following up on the last post re: 9Innings. I honestly don't know how this one went. The beginning felt a little stiff but the second half of the monologue went pretty well. I was even more perplexed at the conclusion because the director asked me if I could sing?! I sang in concert and jazz choir in junior high school and attempted to sing at the Miss Oregon pageant when I was giving up my crown but I was really thrown off. I didn't expect this at all and of course, wanted him to know that I'm willing to try anything/new things - -so I attempted to belt out my best little song-ditty and said thank you. Now, I'm not sure I get very many "points" for vocal performance but hopefully my willingness to make a fool of myself will help. It's out of my hands and I know that what is meant to be will be and I have faith in this.

Lastly, I am proud to say that I have enrolled in my first official photography class and am super excited! I've been intrigued by photography for a long time and even purchased a fancy SLR camera about five years ago but didn't have the time to devote to learning the craft so I returned it. In March I purchased a Canon Rebel XS, which gets great reviews as a good introductory camera and it took nice photos on my trip to Vietnam and Cambodia. I can't wait to start my class in a couple of weeks and look forward to posting pics soon.

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