Monday, May 18, 2009

Auditions and Boot Camp

Had a busy busy weekend! Friday night I auditioned for Layon Gray's new movie, 9 Innings, and it was a tough audition -- very emotionally charged but went well! I always feel blessed when I can leave an audition and feel content and pleased with my work and really, that's all you can ask for in this crazy industry. I also worked with my improv group, Duct Tape. I think we are really starting to come together and understand each others strengths and weakness and work with these in the best way possible. I'm excited to continue with the momentum we've established!

I ended the weekend with another audition but this time it was for an Internet talk show, Perspectives,it went alright but I'm just not sure about the actual concept of the project and the likelihood that it'll get picked up by a major network. Let's focus on the first hurdle though and that is to get the job. The way it was described to me is that it's like The View with more humor? I figure that auditioning is always good and if it's meant to be, it'll be.

Today was the most exciting though because I started Kutting Weight boot camp! Sometimes, I impress myself (ha) because it takes a lot for me to commit to waking up at 5:30 am 3days/week for 5 weeks! I am hoping it kicks my butt and gets me in tip top shape for bikini season. Wish me luck!

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